How to connect Shopify to your Quizell account
Integrate Quizell with Shopify to create personalized shopping experiences for your customers. This integration allows you to sync products, manage customer data, and automate key workflows directly from your Shopify store. Follow the steps below to set up your connection quickly and efficiently.
Step-by-step Setup Guide
Step 1: Install the Shopify App
Log into your Shopify account.
Go to the Quizell Product Recommendation app.
Click the Install button.
Review the required authorizations and click Install to approve the connection.
Choose the Quizell plan that best fits your needs to complete the installation.
Step 2: Create Your First Quiz
In your Quizell dashboard, click the Create your first Quiz button.
Choose from the following options:
• Start from Templates: Use a pre-built structure to speed up your quiz creation.
• Import Questions: Add questions from an external source.
• Create with AI: Let AI help you generate engaging questions and answers.
Follow the prompts to design and complete your quiz.
Step 3: Import Products from Shopify
Navigate to the Products section in your Quizell dashboard.
Click the Import from Shopify button.
Choose whether to import products as Main Products or Variants.
Select the products you want to connect to your quiz by ticking the checkboxes.
Click Sync Selected to complete the import process.
🎉 Congratulations! Your Quizell account is now connected to Shopify, and your products are synced.
Step 4: Configure Your Shopify Integration
Navigate to the Integrations section of your Quizell dashboard.
Find Shopify and click View Integration.
Choose the quizzes you want to connect to Shopify.
· Note: A new Shopify customer will be created for each quiz participant, and the customer will automatically receive the “quizell” tag.
Enable the Shopify webhooks that align with your campaign needs.
Webhook information:
· products/create: allows Quizell to create products in your store.
· products/delete: allows Quizell to delete products in your store.
· products/update: allows Quizell to update products in your store.
· collections/create: allows Quizell to create collections in your store.
· collections/update: allows Quizell to update collections in your store.
· collections/delete: allows Quizell to delete collections in your store.
· shop/update: allows Quizell to update your store’s title.
· orders/create: allows Quizell to create orders in your store.
Important Note: Only enable the webhooks needed for your campaign to avoid unnecessary errors.
With your Quizell-Shopify integration complete, you’re ready to create dynamic quizzes, manage customer data, and boost sales seamlessly!
Updated on: 10/01/2025
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