Articles on: Integrations

How to connect Mailchimp to your Quizell account


Easily integrate Quizell with Mailchimp to automatically sync leads collected through your quizzes. By connecting the two platforms, you can streamline your email marketing efforts, personalize your campaigns, and maximize audience engagement. Follow this step-by-step guide to set up the integration effortlessly.

Step-by-step Setup Guide

Step 1: Add the Mailchimp Integration

Open the Quizell dashboard and navigate to the Integrations section.

Find Mailchimp and click “View Integration.”

On the Integration Detail page, click the “Connect” button

Click the Authorize to Mailchimp button to proceed.

Step 2: Log into Mailchimp

Enter your Mailchimp credentials to log in (or create an account if you don’t already have one).

Review the required authorizations and click Allow to confirm the connection.

Step 3: Add Your List ID or Audience ID

Quizell will prompt you for a List ID or Audience ID, which determines where your leads will be sent.

In your Mailchimp account, navigate to your desired List or Audience.

Click Settings and select Audience name & defaults.

Copy the code displayed in the Audience ID section.

Return to Quizell, paste the copied code into the designated section, and click Save.

Step 4: Finalize the Connection

In Quizell, select the quiz(zes) you want to connect to Mailchimp.

Click “Save” to establish the integration.

Ensure the toggle for the Mailchimp integration is turned on for the right quiz(zes).

🎉 Congratulations! Your Quizell account is now successfully connected to Mailchimp. Leads collected through your quizzes will automatically sync to your selected Mailchimp audience, making it easier than ever to manage and engage with your subscribers.

Updated on: 13/12/2024

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