How to connect BigCommerce to your Quizell account
Integrate Quizell with BigCommerce to seamlessly sync your products and create interactive quizzes that drive sales. With this connection, you can import your product catalog directly into Quizell, link it to your quizzes, and provide tailored recommendations to your customers. Follow the steps below to set up the integration quickly.
Step-by-step Setup Guide
Step 1: Log into your BigCommerce account
Go to the Quizell Product Quiz app page on BigCommerce.
Click the Get this App button.
Log into your BigCommerce account (or create one if you don’t already have an account).
Step 2: Instal Quizell in BigCommerce
In your BigCommerce account, locate the Quizell app page.
Click the Install button.
Review the required authorizations and click Confirm to approve the connection.
Step 3: Import products from BigCommerce
In your Quizell dashboard, navigate to the Products section.
Click the Import from BigCommerce button.
Choose whether to import products as Main Products or as Variants based on your quiz needs.
Select the products you want to connect to your quiz by checking the boxes on the left.
Click the Sync Selected button to complete the import process.
🎉 Congratulations! Your Quizell account is now connected to BigCommerce. You can start using your imported products to create engaging quizzes and boost your sales.
Updated on: 10/12/2024
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