How to connect Hubspot to your Quizell account
Integrate Quizell with Hubspot to effortlessly sync quiz leads to your Hubspot account. This integration allows you to organize leads, automate workflows, and enhance your marketing strategies directly from your Hubspot dashboard. Follow this step-by-step guide to set up the connection quickly.
Step-by-step Setup Guide
Step 1: Add the Hubspot Integration
Open the Quizell dashboard and navigate to the Integrations section.
Find Hubspot and click “View Integration.”
On the Integration Detail page, click the “Connect” button
Click the Authorize to Hubspot button to proceed.
Step 2: Sign into Hubspot
Click Sign in to your Hubspot account (or create an account if you don’t already have one, then sign in) and enter your credentials to sign in.
Select an account to connect and click Select account.
Review the required authorizations and click Connect app to confirm the connection.
Step 3: Finalize the Connection
In Quizell, select the quiz(zes) you want to connect to Hubspot.
Click “Save” to establish the integration.
Ensure the toggle for the Hubspot integration is turned on for the right quiz(zes).
🎉 Congratulations! Your Quizell account is now connected to Hubspot. All leads collected through your quizzes will automatically sync to your Hubspot account, enabling you to manage subscribers and drive engagement with ease.
Updated on: 10/12/2024
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