How to connect MailerLite to your Quizell account
Integrating MailerLite with Quizell allows you to automatically sync leads from your quizzes to your MailerLite groups. This integration simplifies lead management and helps you build targeted email campaigns with ease. Follow the steps below to set up the connection.
Step-by-step Setup Guide
Step 1: Add the Mailerlite Integration
Log in to your Quizell account and navigate to the Integrations section.
Find MailerLite and click View Integration.
On the Integration Detail page, click the Connect button
Click the Authorize to MailerLite button to proceed.
You will be prompted to provide an API Key and Group ID to complete the setup.
Step 2: Find and Add your API key
Log in to your MailerLite account.
Navigate to Integrations and click the Use button for the API.
In the Developer API section, click Generate new Token.
Configure your token settings and click Create an API Key.
· Important: Copy your API key immediately, as it will only be displayed once.
Return to Quizell and paste the API key into the dedicated field.
Step 3: Find and Add your Group ID
In MailerLite, go back to Integrations > API
Scroll down to the Groups section.
Locate the group you want to add leads to and copy its Group ID.
Return to Quizell and paste the Group ID into the dedicated field.
Click Save to apply the changes.
Step 4: Finalize the Connection
In Quizell, select the quiz(zes) you want to connect to MailerLite.
Click Save to establish the integration.
Ensure the toggle for the Mailerlite integration is turned on for the right quiz(zes).
🎉 Congratulations! Your Quizell account is now connected to MailerLite. All leads collected through your quizzes will automatically sync to your MailerLite account, enabling you to manage subscribers and drive engagement with ease.
Updated on: 13/12/2024
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