Articles on: Integrations

How to connect Klaviyo to your Quizell account


Integrating Klaviyo with your Quizell account enables you to manage your email marketing campaigns seamlessly. With this integration, you can automate email flows, personalize communications using quiz data, and keep your mailing lists updated. Follow this guide to connect Klaviyo to Quizell and unlock the full potential of email marketing.

Step-by-step Setup Guide

Step 1: Add the Klaviyo Integration

Open the Quizell dashboard and navigate to the Integrations section.

Find Klaviyo and click “View Integration.”

On the Integration Detail page, click the “Connect” button

Then, click the “Authorize to Klaviyo” button

Step 2: Add Your Klaviyo API key

Obtain your API key from Klaviyo by following this guide: How to Manage Your API Keys.

Ensure you use a Private API Key:

If you already have one, use the existing key.

If not, create a new key by clicking “Create Private API Key.”

Copy the API key and return to Quizell.

Paste the API key into the API Key field in your Quizell account.

Step 3: Add Your Klaviyo List ID

In Klaviyo, navigate to “Lists & Segments”.

Select the list where you want leads added, or create a new list.

Copy the List ID from the URL. The List ID appears at the end of the URL, like this:

Paste the List ID into the designated field in your Quizell account and click “Save”.

IMPORTANT: In Klaviyo, set your list’s opt-in process to “Single Opt-in” in the Consent settings to ensure the connection works.

Step 4: Finalize the Connection

In Quizell, select the quiz(zes) you want to connect to Klaviyo.

Click “Save” to establish the integration.

Ensure the toggle for the Klaviyo integration is turned on for the right quiz(zes)

🎉 Congratulations! Your Quizell account is now successfully connected to Klaviyo. Leads collected through your quizzes will automatically sync to the selected Klaviyo list.

How to Use the Klaviyo Integration

Once your quizzes are connected to Klaviyo, leverage this integration to engage your audience and improve your email marketing campaigns.

A. Notify your customers when they complete the quiz

In Klaviyo, create a new flow.

Click the trigger element and navigate to Your Metrics > API.

Select the event Quizell Quiz Completed.

Confirm and save your settings.

Build a dedicated email flow to notify users when they complete your quiz.

B. Send tailored emails

When creating your flow, use the information provided in the custom properties to personalize the emails you send to your customers. Some examples of properties you can use are:

product_1_image: image of the product your quiz recommended to this customer.

product_1_title: title of the product your quiz recommended to this customer.

products: list of recommended products.

Q1: each question of your quiz and your customer’s answer will appear.

quiz_repeate_time: number of times your customer used your quiz

result_link: direct link to the product recommendations (result page of your quiz).


Add a product image and title to a dynamic email template.

Include a direct link to the quiz results so users can revisit their recommendations.

For Shopify Users

If the data is not arriving correctly in Klaviyo (e.g., missing properties), the issue may stem from the integration between Shopify and Klaviyo. To resolve this: Disable the Customers Integration between Quizell and Shopify, and ensure the integration settings are correctly configured. This adjustment should help ensure that data flows properly to Klaviyo with all necessary properties intact.


By connecting Klaviyo to Quizell, you can automate email flows, personalize user experiences, and manage your campaigns from one place. Whether you’re notifying customers of their quiz results or creating dynamic, tailored emails, this integration empowers your email marketing strategy.

Updated on: 13/12/2024

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